Welcome to Spark

Spark Company
for General Trading

Spark Company for general trading was established in 2005 in Erbil Governorate, Northern Iraq.


Spark Company

Spark Company for general trading was established in 2005 in Erbil Governorate, Northern Iraq.

Our main objective is to change the mindset of the bathroom culture, offering new innovative and luxurious solutions and design concepts that convert your bathroom into looks like a part of a museum.

Spark Products vary from classic designs and the latest technological and automated smart products, in order to provide wide selections that fulfill our valuable customer’s needs.


We’r Commited To Provide
Best Roofing Services

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The Right Choice for Quality Home Service
More Than 25 Years

  • Build Roof Standard
  • 35 + Successfull Projects
  • Prodviding Quality
  • 35 + Successfull Projects done
  • 100% Guarantee
  • Successfull Projects done

2017 Best Overall Sales Performance prize

2017 highest sales of the luxury segment products.

2019 Best Overall Sales Performance prize

2017 highest sales of faucets prize

Top quality products and corporate projects provider.

Spark Company

Stay Connected for Future Innovations

At Spark Company, innovation is an ongoing journey. Stay connected with us to be the first to experience our upcoming releases, product launches, and advancements in bathroom technology. Follow us on social media, sign up for newsletters, and be part of the Spark community as we continue to shape the future of bathroom culture.

Uncompromising Quality at Spark Company

At Spark Company for General Trading, quality isn't just a standard; it's our foundation. We're dedicated to delivering nothing short of the best

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In our pursuit of redefining bathroom luxury, Spark Company for General Trading is delighted to share the latest groundbreaking developments in our newest blog post. Explore the forefront of innovation and design with Spark’s cutting-edge advancements.